Welcome to the Gapland site.

Whatever happened to Klaymen?

A question pondered by probably at least two people. Actually, probably near ten. Anyways, this is a fangame created by the untalented, braindead moron Cult of Zip.

I'm untalented!

So, the kicker and the main issue with this game is that I am totally and completely useless as a human being. So, instead of the clay charm of the original Neverhood, you get poorly made pixel art sprites of Klogmin.


Cult of Zip is a completely untalented moron who makes music, art, and broken code. His website is a free domain because he's a total and complete cheapskate. This site is too. Huh. (Thanks NeoCities)


Gapland is a game centered around everyone's favorite claymation character, Klaymen. It's more or less a poorly made fanfiction slapped into Visual Basic by a moron on rollerskates.


I plan to release the game by January of 2021. This isn't a definite date, just a deadline. It may be out before then, who knows?


Me and my buddies at The Neverhood Discord are still deciding on where the game should take place. Sorry, no conclusion yet.


I originally played The Neverhood back in 2014, when I was 10 years old. It just sorta resonated with my dumb self. So, recently, after taking up game development as a job, I decided I would dishonor this game with my own little crappy fangame.

If you still have no idea what I'm talking about, check out the Wikipedia page.